To whomever has incidentally stumbled upon this page-
This is a private blog. I say this because the posts you may find here will probably not entertain you very much, and I feel as though I need to provide a reason for this. Really, this is just my online diary. I decided to write a blog, rather than an actual private online diary, as I am a person who enjoys reading random blog posts by regular people. I am aware this makes me sound like creeper. (I am not, I promise you!) At this point, you may decide that you really aren't interested in the idiotic ramblings of an awkward person- which is perfectly fine. I intend to continue posting for as long as I possibly can be bothered. (Every diary I have ever attempted to have, HAS FAILED)
Since it is possible that no one but myself will ever know of the existence of this page, I won't babble for too long. That said, I really don't know what to write about- it took me 3 days to finally get around to writing this intro for myself. All in all, I will record some of the more interesting things that happen in my life, along with angry ranting- and hopefully, someday, I will look back on this blog and think "What the hell was I even doing?"
Fairfarren dearies~
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